Friday, September 18, 2015

ALLY-SAURUS & the First Day of School by Richard Torrey

ALLY-SAURUS & the First Day of School by Richard Torrey

Five paw prints.  Ally is a little girl who LOVES dinosaurs.  She has toy dinosaurs, wears clothes with dinosaurs, her bookbag has a dinosaur, and she loves to play as a dinosaur.  She is very excited to go to school on the first day to (hopefully) meet other dinosaurs like her.  There is just one problem, the other girls she meets all LOVE princesses.  Just when Ally starts to think she may never have a “dinosaur” friend she meets other children who are just as unique as she is and she realizes school might just be OK after all.  I really loved this book.  I’ll admit, I have my own Ally-saurus at home and not all little girls want to be princesses.  Throughout the book you see Ally as she imagines she would look as a dinosaur.  As Ally gets to know other kids in her class you start to see how those students imagine they look as dragons or aliens or anything else imaginable.  To learn more about author/illustrator Richard Torrey and to discover more of his books please visit  You will be glad you did.

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