Friday, January 16, 2015


Ball by Mary Sullivan

Don't forget to click HERE if you want to hear Ms Becky read, her daughter help, and her dog look for a ball.

Five paw prints.  Balls are great fun, especially if you are a dog that has a special girl to play with every day.  But, what happens when the little girl is no longer available?  Who will play ball with the dog?  Will it be the mother, the baby, the cat, or worse yet...will he be forced to play by himself?  Oh no, what will the dog do?  IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!!!  What a great book.  Told from the point of view of the dog, you need to "read" the pictures to understand the book.  There is only one word in the entire book and you might be wondering "why".  Well, the main character is a dog and he only knows one word.  I'll let you guess which word.  To learn more about Mary Sullivan visit,

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