Sunday, May 30, 2010

Noah Webster: Weaver of Words by Pegi Deitz Shea and illustrated by Monica Vachula

Reviewed by Miss Dewey at Orenda

Five paw prints. I'll admit, when I first saw this book I was unimpressed. A book about the man who helped to create a dictionary? Boring! But I was so wrong. Noah Webster was a very interesting man. He grew up during a very important time during American history. He was a soldier in the American army, he attended one of the most challenging and oldest colleges in the country, as a teacher he wrote important books for teaching children how to read, and he became famous for creating the first in depth dictionary. Noah Webster wanted all people to understand each other, and he felt one of the best ways to do this was with a common language. As I said in the beginning I wasn't looking forward to reading a book about the creation of the dictionary, but this book was great. Not only do I want to know more about Noah Webster, but I want to know more about dictionaries...especially Webster's Dictionary. To learn more about Noah Webster, visit
921 Web

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